Reporting an Incident
Use this form to report incidents of discrimination or hate crimes based on these protected categories:
- Age
- Ethnicity
- Disability
- Race
- Religion
- National Origin
You may report other types of discrimination or hate crimes beyond this list.
Use this form to report non-urgent and concerning behavior. This report will be sent to the CARE Team. Concerning behaviors include, but are not limited to:
- Disruptive Behavior
- Threatening Behavior
- Emotional Distres
Use this form to report non-emergency criminal or suspicious activity that happened on campus. Please note this is for non-urgent reports and the information you submit will be reviewed during normal business hours. If this is an emergency or you need immediate assistance please dial 911 or contact the college police at 707-256-7777.
Use this form to report discrimination or complaints as they relate to any actual or perceived disability. Concerns include, but are not limited to:
- Alternate Media
- Accommodations
- Counseling
- Testing
- Staff or Faculty
Use this form to report incidents of sexual misconduct and behavior that violate Title IX.
- Sexual assault
- Sexual harassment
- Dating/domestic violence
- Gender-based discrimination
- Stalking
Faculty/Staff can use this form to report genecidents of misconduct or violations of our Code of Conduct. Incidents include, but are not limited to:
- Alcohol or drug use
- Bullying/Cyber-bullying
- Cheating/Plagiarism
- Disruptive behavior
- Violent/Threatening behavioR
Use this form to provide feedback regarding our student support services under the purview of Student Affairs Unit. Feedback includes, but is not limited to:
- Compliments
- Suggestions
Use this form to report incidents of discrimination based on:
- Sex
- Sexual Orientation
- Gender Identity
- Pregnancy/ Parenting
Please refer to the Student Complaint and Grievance Procedures.
Students can use this form for non-instructional issues related to:
Testing & Tutoring Center
Admissions & Records
Financial Aid/EOPS
Other Student Affairs offices