NVC Title IX Board Policies
Title IX regulations are set on a federal level by the Department of Education. The State of California also has its own laws about discrimination and harassment. Our policies at Napa Valley College reflect our state and federal obligations under the law and our commitment to a safe and equitable campus. Below are the board policies at NVC that pertain to prohibiting harassment, equity initiatives, and the Title IX process:
- AP 3410 - Nondiscrimination
- BP 3410 - Nondiscrimination
- BP 3430 - Prohibition of Harassment
- AP 3430 - Prohibition of Harassment
- BP 3433 - Prohibition of Sexual Harassment under Title IX
- AP 3433 - Prohibition of Sexual Harassment under Title IX
- AP3435 - Discrimination and Harassment Complaints and Investigations
- BP 3540 - Sexual and Other Assaults on Campus
- AP 3540 - Sexual and Other Assaults on Campus
- AP 5055 - Enrollment Priorities
- AP 5203 - Lactation Accomodation
- BP 5500 - Standards of Student Conduct
- AP 5500 - Standards of Student Conduct