Student Equity Plan
The purpose of the Student Equity Plan (SEP) is to advance equity-driven excellence
at Napa Valley College (NVC). NVC is committed to maintaining its high standards while
actively supporting all students to learn and succeed with the understanding that
the diversity of their experiences enriches the institution and its standards of excellence.
NVC has an institutional responsibility to recognize barriers to student success and
develop programs and practices with the specific intention of providing all underserved
students with an opportunity to succeed. In so doing, NVC retains its commitment to
excellence in all of its programs and services. Diversity and differences in students
are valuable resources, not obstacles to learning. Understanding excellence requires
that diverse student populations are embraced and be full participants in their educational
journey. The SEP primarily focuses its attention on creating institutional change
to improve success for underserved students.
This directive, and the goals, objectives and activities associated with it, are aligned
with other relevant plans at NVC, including its strategic plan developed through its
shared governance process.