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Creating Inclusive Classrooms

As an instructor at Napa Valley College, there are many opportunities to capitalize on the presence of the representational diversity both in our community and particularly with our teaching. The following resources from the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges suggest a number of actions to take to make our classrooms as healthy and as safe an environment possible for all student learners. These resources also include a number of suggestions for engaging with particular diversity topics.


From the state-wide Academic Senate for California Community Colleges webpage for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Anti-Racism, and Accessibility (IDEAA) Tools:

Model Hiring Principles and Processes: Principles and practices compiled by faculty, administrators, and chief human resource officers. Resources are separated into pre-hiring, hiring, and post-hiring modules.

DEI Model Curriculum Principles and Practices: Developed by the California Community Colleges Curriculum Committee (5C), the document includes promising practices that can be used by faculty, deans, curriculum chairs and committees, Chief Instructional Officers (CIO)/Vice Presidents of Instruction, and local academic senates to begin conversations on how to redesign practices from working within a traditional Eurocentric model to working within an equity-minded framework.

DEI in Praxis: Models for Culturally Responsive Curriculum: The DEI in Curriculum Praxis builds upon the DEI in Curriculum: Model Principles and Practices toolkit. Principles and practices compiled by faculty, administrators, and chief human resource officers. Resources are separated into "Level One: Gearing up," "Level Two: Action Ready," and "Level Three: Growing and Scaling.

ASCCC Cultural Humility Tool: Developed by ASCCC Equity and Diversity Action Committee for local academic senates and colleges to use in beginning action on developing a cultural humility plan. The tool includes links to resources to use in the development of a local plan and also for self-reflection as individuals.

ASCCC OERI (Open Educational Resources Initiative) IDEA Framework: Developed by the ASCCC Open Education Resources Initiative to assist faculty in assessing instructional materials for equity, inclusiveness, diversity, and anti-racism.

DACA & Undocumented Students Resources: ASCCC landing page for resources; includes a link to Chancellor’s Office Undocumented Students webpage.

Part-Time Faculty Nexus: Resources for & by part-time faculty, compiled by ASCCC Part-Time Faculty Committee.

ASCCC Liaisons: Information about recommended liaisons to be identified by local senates to assist in the dissemination of ASCCC information on selected topics including inclusion, diversity, equity, and anti-Racism (IDEA) liaisons; open education resources (OER) liaisons; career technical education (CTE) liaisons; noncredit liaisons; guided pathway liaisons, and legislative liaisons. Includes a link to sign up for liaison listservs.
