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Paramedic General Information

Paramedic Academy Cohort 18 starts Thursday, August 14, 2025. Cohort 18 offers to go out Sunday, June 1, 2025.

Potential paramedic academy cadets!!

Thank you for your interest in the Napa Valley College Paramedic Program – we are excited to give you this opportunity to apply for the upcoming NVC EMS Cohort 18.

The NVC EMS Paramedic Program application for Cohort 18 opens April 1, 2025!

Application Period for NVC EMS Cohort 18 will be:
April 1, 2025 - April 29, 2025

Application can be downloaded here starting April 1st.

Please read through the application fully, follow all

the requirements. If you have any questions, read through the

application directions again. If you still have a question email:



The Emergency Medical and Paramedic Programs are accredited by multiple agencies at both the national, state, and local levels.  Typically the local agencies are responsible for local jurisdiction accreditation while the national agencies are the overarching accrediting agencies that are responsible for overall accreditation of the program.  All agencies associated with accreditation of the Napa Valley College EMS/Paramedic Programs are listed below in hierarchical fashion:

1- Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)
1361 park Street
Clearwater, FL. 33756
Phone: 727-210-2350   

Additional information regarding accreditation, including the process to file complaints, can be found at:

2- Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for
the Emergency Medical Service Professions (CoEAMSP)
8301 Lakeview Parkway, Suite 111-312
Rowlett, TX. 75088
Phone: 214-703-8445   

Additional information regarding accreditation, including the process to file complaints, can be found at:

In accordance with CoAEMSP disclosure requirements, the Napa Valley College Paramedic Academy reports the following information on its students:

  • National Registry of EMTs Written and Practical Examination passing rate, 2022: 92.3%
  • Retention rate (percentage of students graduating from the program), 2022: 72.2%
  • Positive placement (percentage of students who are employed as paramedics), 2022: 100%

3- California Emergency Medical Services Authority (Cal-EMSA)
10901 Gold Center Drive, Suite 400
Rancho Cordova, CA. 95670
Phone: 916-322-4336    

Additional information regarding accreditation, including the process to file complaints, can be found at: 

4- Napa County Emergency Services (EMS) Agency
2751 Napa Valley Corporate Drive
Building B
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: 707-253-4341
Fax: 707-299-4126

Additional information about accreditation, including the process to file complaints, can be found at:
