Guidelines & Forms
NVCCD Categorical Programs 2024-2025
2024-2025 California Community Colleges Compendium of Allocations and Resources 3/7/25
FAQ U.S. Dept. of Ed. Grantees to Appropriately Use Federal Funds for Food, Conferences, and Meetings August 2024
Financial Resources And Their Implications For Planning3/30/23
Financial Resources: Where They Come From and Where They Go8/10/23
Overview of Finance Queryupdated 3/14/25
Overview of Procurement Process updated 2/28/25
Overview of ODP & Amazon updated 3/14/25
CollegeBuys Contract Details & Offers
Vendor Information
- How to do Business with Napa Valley Community College District - A Complete Vendor
- NVCCD Procurement Guidelines
- Memo - Executive Order N-6-22 Russia Sanctions
- Vendor Application Form
The following forms are available in the Business & Finance Office:
- FA 102 Property Transfer
- FA 103 Property Disposal
If you have any questions, please contact the Business & Finance Office at (707) 256-7183
Napa Valley Community College District Administrative Procedures Disposal of Surplus and Obsolete Equipment
The Department/Division/Office should notify the Vice President, Administrative Services of any equipment that is no longer needed.
- Complete FA 103 Property Disposal form and forward to Business & Finance Office.
- Department/Division/Office may request Facilities & Planning Services to store the equipment(s) in the Warehouse.
- The Business & Finance Office shall prepare a list of equipment(s) that are available for college use and send the list to other departments/divisions/offices.
- Equipment(s) claimed by other departments/divisions/offices shall be transferred to the department. FA 102 Property Transfer form shall be completed for this purpose and forward to the Business & Finance Office.
- Equipment(s) not claimed by other departments/divisions/offices shall be declared surplus by the Business & Finance Office.
Property declared surplus (under 1 e) may be disposed of by the Director, Facilities Planning & Services using one of the following methods:
- Advertise for sale (E.C. 81450)
- Sell without advertising if value is less than $2,500.00 (E.C. 81452)
- Sell to other public agencies
- Donate to public agency or non-profit organization
- Discard in the most economic way
Sale of property under E.C. 81450 (a)
- Obtain board approval for the sale of surplus and/or obsolete equipment that is either no longer required for school purposes, should be disposed of for the purpose of replacement, or if it is unsatisfactory or not suitable for school use.
- Post notice of sale in at least three public places in the District for not less than two weeks, or by publication for at least once a week for a period of not less than two weeks in a newspaper having general circulation in the District.
- The Board shall award the sale to the highest responsible bidder.
Sale of property under E.C. 81450 (b)
- The Director, Facilities Planning & Services shall obtain approval from the Board of Trustees to sell District property by means of a public auction to be conducted by employees of the District or other public agencies, or by contract with a private auction firm.
- Notice of public auction sale shall be posted in accordance with E.C. 81450 (a)
- The Director, Facilities Planning & Services shall transfer the property to the highest responsible bidder upon completion of the auction and after payment has been received by the District.
Private sale of property under E.C. 81452
A private sale without advertising shall be authorized by the Board of Trustees under the following conditions.
- The property, whether one or more items, does not exceed in value the sum of $2,500.00.
- Any item or items of property having previously been offered for sale pursuant to E.C. 81450, but for which no qualified bid was received.
- If the property is of insufficient value to defray the costs of arranging a sale, the property may be donated to a charitable organization deemed appropriate by the Board, or the property may be disposed of in the local public dump.
Deposit of money (E.C. 81453)
The money received from the sale shall be credited to the fund from which the original expenditure was made. The proceeds of the sale shall be used to purchase capital outlay items.
- Overview of District Purchase Card Submittal Process updated 3/5/25
- Purchase Card Application (will need to schedule a 30 min. appt. w/ Controller)
- Purchasing Card Procedures Manual
- District Purchase Card Monthly Process
- Elan Financial Services Access Online Portal
- Lost/Missing Receipt form
Overview of Travel Process updated 3/7/25
Temporary Adjustment to Travel & Purchase Card Policies Memo - Effective 3/1/25
Administrative Procedure: AP 6390 Travel
Staff & Faculty Travel Funding - Flow (AP 6390) 9/11/23
Travel Approval/Authorization Documents Life Cycle 9/11/23
Travel Guidance - Coding & Tips 9/11/23
Travel Restrictions - Effective 9/1/23
2024 Mileage Reimbursement Amount
As of Jan. 1, 2025 = 70¢ per mile (x 0.70)
IRS News Release - Dec. 19, 2024
Meal Reimbursement Per Diem Amounts
- Breakfast (departure prior to 7 a.m.): $11
- Lunch: $16
- Dinner (arrival after 7 p.m.): $34
Non-Reimbursable Expenses
- Meal expenses if the cost of the meal is included in the registration fee or above the per diem amounts
- Alcoholic beverages
- Entertainment expenses
- Transportation to and from places of entertainment and similar facilities
- Conference arranged leisure tours or personal side trip expenses
- Personal telephone calls
- Individual membership dues or fees
- Traffic or parking citations
Travel Request/Authorization Form 9/12/23 (automatically downloads with e-signature)
Travel Budget Worksheet 1/1/25 (automatically downloads)
*FOR 2024* Travel Budget Worksheet, please email