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Immigration Resources

If an immigration or law enforcement agency officer approaches you, please follow the chain of command.  Start with escorting them to the Office of the President, or ask NVC police to do so.

Once you escort the agent to the President's Office, immediately call NVC Police and report the incident: (707) 256-7777.

Superintendent/President Torence Powell, Ed.D. Office of the President

(If the President is unavailable, follow the chain of command.)

Assistant Superintendent/Vice President Human Resources, Training & Development Room 1544

Assistant Superintendent/Vice President Human Resources, Training & Development Room 1544

Assistant Superintendent/Vice President Human Resources, Training & Development Room 1544

Assistant Superintendent/Vice President Human Resources, Training & Development Room 1544



Know Your Rights!


If you are approached by someone asking you for information about a student or employee: 

  • Do not provide them with any information about students or staff. You are not authorized to release information about students or staff. This includes identifying students in a course. 
  • Ask the individual who they are. 
  • Ask them who they represent. If they say immigration or any law enforcement agency, get their name and credential, and escort them to the President’s Office, or ask NVC police to do so, (707)256-7777. 
  • Be polite and professional, and do not lie to immigration or law enforcement officer or agent. 

You can say:

  • “California law and campus administrative policies do not authorize me to share that information. I need to connect you with the Office of the College President.” 
  • Once you escort the agent to the President’s Office, immediately call NVC Police and report the incident, (707) 256-7777.

More Resources

DREAM CenterThe Dream Center is an intentionally shared space with the Puente program, which together is known as the Puente/Dream Center. All staff are ready to serve Dreamers and Puentistas alike at the center: a safe space to receive and be referred to resources specifically for them, as well as a space to meet, organize, study, eat, and socialize.

