Learning Outcomes
- Emery Stafford
Learning Outcomes Assessment Coordinator
- loac@napavalley.edu
At Napa Valley College, departments and programs are continually engaged in assessment of student learning outcomes to improve teaching and learning. This website provides information and resources to help faculty, staff, and administrators work collaboratively on the development and use of assessment results to improve college programs and services.
Student learning outcomes (SLOs) are defined as the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes that a student has attained at the end (or as a result) of his or her engagement in a particular set of collegiate experiences. SLOs provide a statement of the highest level of learning and focus on essential skills or knowledge.
Assessment documentation occurs on an ongoing cycle of every 2-6 years as determined by instructional departments and academic support areas. A department's assessment plan is set at the beginning of the cycle and documented, along with a yearly review of the data to ensure institutional effectiveness in response to evolving student needs. Napa Valley College is committed to optimizing student success as reflected in our mission and values "where students are first and foremost in everything we do."