Prevention and Education
Title IX requires ongoing training for all students and staff across the campus. In addition, at the conclusion of Title IX investigations, the office is asked to consider what measures should be taken to prevent the events that triggered the investigation from happening in the future. Often, addressing the behavior starts with targeted trainings. Below is a list of training offered to our campus including the training materials for those created by the Title IX Office.
Training Name | Date assigned | Groups assigned |
TIX: Gender Equity in Athletics | TBD | Coaching and Athletics Staff |
TIX: Roles of Employees | TBD | Classified Staff |
Title IX & Sexual Harassment | TBD | Certificated Staff |
Training Name | Date Assigned | Group Assigned |
Title IX Overview and Application | 11/25/24 | NVC Title IX Team |
Prohibited Conduct | 11/25/24 | NVC Title IX Team |
Receiving a Report | 11/25/24 |
Charo Albarrán, Assistant Superintendent/Vice President Kelly Tomlinson, Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance Manager Savanna Petri, Title IX Support |
Handling a Complaint | 11/25/24 |
Alejandro Guerrero, Assistant Superintendent/ Vice President Charo Albarrán, Assistant Superintendent/Vice President Kelly Tomlinson, Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance Manager Savanna Petri, Title IX Support |
Investigative Skills | 11/25/24 |
Charo Albarrán, Assistant Superintendent/Vice President Kelly Tomlinson, Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance Manager Savanna Petri, Title IX Support |
Practical Hearing Skills | 11/25/24 |
Alejandro Guerrero, Assistant Superintendent/ Vice President Charo Albarrán, Assistant Superintendent/Vice President Kelly Tomlinson, Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance Manager |
Writing a Decision | 11/25/24 |
Alejandro Guerrero, Assistant Superintendent/ Vice President Charo Albarrán, Assistant Superintendent/Vice President Kelly Tomlinson, Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance Manager |
Title IX Training & Recordkeeping |
Charo Albarrán, Assistant Superintendent/Vice President Kelly Tomlinson, Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance Manager Savanna Petri, Title IX Support |
Pregnancy & Parenting |
Kelly Tomlinson, Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance Manager Savanna Petri, Title IX Support |
Athletics |
Kelly Tomlinson, Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance Manager Jerry Dunlap, Dean/ Athletic Director |